Bee delivered bad news to me... which totally ruined my morning... *sniffles* I can't wait till school starts to fix up this mess... I hope what Rosi told me is wrong... *Mish kneels and pray* Well... at least someone cared enough about me to try to cheer me up!~ Ting Ting bought me out to pmall and we shopped around... sooooooo fun! Made me forget all about my miserable state earlier~~! Thanks... what a good student~ kaka... We went to eat sushi and we discovered this totally delicious roll, the avocado mango roll...
*drools* my mouth is watering just looking at the picture... the mango taste was complemented with the avocado made it totally yummylicious! aww =) we also had the mochi... wahhhhhh... as soon as the plate landed on the table i attacked it... none survived... therefore no pictures.... gomen!~
After dinner we went home... and watched Mr Vampire... haha while my wonderful student helped me made this... isn't it sooooooooooooooooooooooooo kawaii? haha... thanks Ting Ting~` now start on the second project =P
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