Mood: restless...
Thought: I want today to be different~
Bugs are extremely attracted to Em... In the past 2 months he's got bitten by mosquitos, black flies and was stung by a wasp (that also happened to be infected with bacteria) -__-" His arm is swollen and red... This boy keeps getting me worried... Aii~

On top of all this, my house got struck by lightening last Thrusday and most of our appliances are gone with the satelite and internet T^T ~~bleh~ bad luck lately~~ need to find more gold stuff to wear (mother said that gold brings me luck this year.. haha)
Bleh~ my gums are still swollen, can't really open my mouth to talk or eat~ having déja vu of my wisdom teeth days... ack~
Alrights back to work... Still waiting to have lunch!
Alrights back to work... Still waiting to have lunch!
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