Monday, August 15, 2011

Rollercoaster ride Saturday~

Aww... so our original plan to hit the beach fell through on Saturday and we decided to go to shooting range and shopping instead... But the morning started a bit.. off.. our car was hit by some idiot driver who wouldn't let us merge into the lane even though our car was already in front of him... we thought he only hit our side mirror but found out there was more damage to the body later T^T should have gotten that guy's plate! Anyways... that's how our morning started... but the rest of the day went by okay (just with lots of stupido drivers...)

We decided to go shooting first... and here's is the gun that we shot!

JK :D this was on display... These were the actual guns we shot...

I still love the PS90 :)

Next we went shopping at Waldon Galleria... the only thing we got was... liquid nitrogen ice cream... It was mouth watering vanilla + Oreo goodness!!! I know I was to stay away from dairy products but these were just irresistible...

From there we also got these poker chips for Fallsview Casino that qualifies each of us for food at the casino or credit to play at the slot... There was a huge misunderstanding with the restaurants in the casino... so long story short we went elsewhere to eat, got some credits for the slot machine and won 100$ each =) also... as a bonus we got free parking :)


Update: 23/08/11

I forgot to post the yummylicious food we had at 'the Famous'

Corned beef on rye
"Mom, meatloaf!!" - the Famous Meat loaf

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yikes everyone's OK? How come that stupid driver didn't stop after hitting you??