Monday, October 04, 2010

Bad Chinny mommie!

My chinnies are turning 1 years old in 4 weeks and I almost forgot.. now I'm wondering... what do you get chinnies for their birthday?? :| a new leather couch for them to nibble? LoLs..

Can't believe we've had these babies for such a long time~ They are so cute and loving :) Yesterday I let them out for a bit and they were jumping and walking all over me, it was like I was their mini awkward looking playground.. Although it was mostly Nova, but even Ion felt a little more mischievous than usual!~


On a darker note, I came home last night to find out that my mom fell on her knee yesterday and her right leg is swollen... I hope she will be okay....


crystaL said...

:( give a hug to your mommy for me!

ellaH said...

I forgot to give her a hug... but I watched a few episode of a TVB serie with her last night XD