Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Did you know that....

Dairy can cause acne.

I discovered this little fact only recently... It came as a bit of a shock at the beginning, but then it kind of made sense...  I indulge in cups of milktea at work everyday, I take my coffee with lots of cream and I love milk chocolate and icecream sandwiches... These are just a few things that whenever I had in excess gives me mild to moderate acne problems... of course, I know that excess sugar, lack of sleep, stress and oily food can be a cause too... but when those are kept constant and the only change was the dairy intake, it's hard to not think that milk is the main culprit behind my issue...

So... with this new bit of information, I've been replaced my daily milktea with green tea (or ginseng tea) the past week (with 2 slips...) and I find that my skin is slowly but surely clearing up. There is less redness on my cheeks and fewer new pimples or whiteheads... Let's hope I can keep this up!!


Uggh uggh... soo I read up online... and I might actually be allergic to milk... sigh...

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