Thursday, March 22, 2012


Coyote Starrk - Bleach character that has a very intriguing past. He feared loneliness so much, he decided to split himself into two... now that's a concept. If I attempted that I'd either be 1) dead but in two pieces or 2) have a personality disorder and then get locked up in an institute... *sigh*

It's a gorgeous day out today but it's raining on the inside for me... I think I caught Marvin's depression.

I am currently reading the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and really loving it. Maybe I should post some of my fave excerpts :) Ahh... Marvin~ lols~

Thursday, March 08, 2012


The day started with rain. I should have known better.

They forgot about breakfast today. If it was for him, they would never forget...

Every so often, I wonder why I was ever kept alive... why didn't they just have an abortion when they realize I was a girl?

Monday, March 05, 2012

Food post for March

Already armed with food pictures for the month of March :)

I started eating calamari after Em and I started dating, and I've been hooked since
Can never have too much Wakame salad
Sushi rolls!!
fresh sashimi! The scallops were soooo sweet~~
Stuffed mushroom
Papa burger combo for $9.99 with coupon XD

delicious fruit platter made by Melissa :)
Kalbossa + cheery tomatoes
Jenny gave me this delicious treat her hubby sent her from Germany! shared this with em ^_^