Friday, March 25, 2005

Movies, MJ, Dinner, MJ, Movies

I woke up early to work on my essay... but it ended up as usual... it took me about an hour to eat breakfast w/ mom and gramps... then I went upstairs and turned on my laptop... thats when I started being lazy... *sigh* I found out I analyzed the wrong poem and I had to quickly change it... into something short and easy! "La fontaine de Sang." I'm actually glad that I had to change, cuz it was actually very good poetry~ Baudelaire definately has a very dark style to his poems... but I like! If I have time I might go through all his poems, and print them offline! haha... Anyways I ended up chatting until I had to go out... yea shame on me~~

I was worried, cuz my twin was sick so I called him, it sounded like he couldn't even get out of bed. Me and Fay Jai was thinking about bringing some food over and see how he was doing, but we thought its better he rest, since we dont want him to roll down the stairs to greet us. We had to rearrange the plan, then went over to gor's place. We went out, but it just wasn't the same, I didn't really feel like in the mood to play MJ, so instead we watched Battle Royale... (aka BR, aka Bubble Republic... haha... jk) It was such a bloody movie... but once again, I cried... *sigh* I swear i'm wierd, I cry at least once in every horror movie... CRYBABY! haha...

Finally around 3ish my twin twin came over! yea yea!! I msned a bit with Boo when he was at his friends house... which ended when I got a lil pissed at him... *sigh* I always fat pay hay to my love... *muah* I still lub u! ;) And the MJ Royale began... LMAO... The Stu twin was losing at first, but around the West round we won about 400 chips! ya ya! Brian treated the Stu twin to mango shake during dinner, and Kenny treated Garrett to dinner! It was fun fun! After we went back to Gor's place and played some more MJ, We watched Mulan 2, and Phones and a lil bit of Suicide Circles... soooo BLOODY! Phones was soo mo liu -_- Perhaps its cuz of that movie I was feelign sleepy around 11ish... hehe... At the end the Stu twin lost 200 chips to ar Gor, and my twin twin treated ah Gor to BBT... aww! well losing to ar gor isn't so bad ;) @ 1am, Ting Ting dropped me off home... And I talked to Boo for a short time before going to sleep.... *hugs* what a way to end the night ;)

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