Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Random rants~~

I finished season 2 of Sex and the City and last night over a few glass of brown cow re-watched the movie... It was quite an eye opener to the problem women these days are facing, problems that I am experiencing....

The inexplicable urge to "get married."

With each passing birthday, friend's engagement, and soon (and I'm afraid to say this but...) baby showers... I feel like I'm getting older and that time is quickly slipping away... The overwhelming urge to get out of the single phase and start the next chapter of my life is suffocating... I feel that 25 is old... I mean I only have about 2/3 of my life left, I need to start NOW.... right?

I hate how women are conditioned to think that way, that we have to get married while we are young, young young! Why are we the ones begging for commitment? Are we the only ones in the relationship seeking for a happily ever after? But where is the guaranty that marriage will bring everlasting happiness? Can we still use forever in this day and age?

1 comment:

Ruth said...

You are thinking most like Charlotte in this post... I completely agree.. society has pressured most young women to think this way.. but what about their real happiness?