Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Renewed love for makeup!

Another sleepless night and wet pillow. *bleh* my eyes are swollen with a big bag under each eye... Thankfully someone invented concealers!

After 30 minutes of eye cream + concealer + foundation + eye shadow + whatever makeup to cover up the mess on my face from the previous night... I look refreshed and awake!

:) To do this it really helps to have a gazillion choices (thanks for my makeup shopping spree!) I can attempt any look that I want... My fave isl the extremely easy to apply cream eyeshadow palette from Lise Watier... theres 6 colours that you can easily blend to make new shades! I find that the golden colour realy helps brighten my eyes! Add a dab of copper colour and i can easily match my outfit! another must have is the Clinique eye concealer + eye cream! Really helps reduce the look of my puffs! oooh another thing I learner is that it doesn't hurt to define those brows a bit, since it bring more attention to them and away from the dark circles... :)

Something new

Until very recently I have not used blushes... I am too afraid of over-applying it and end up looking like a monkey's butt... But then recently I got more into makeup and I decide to give it a try.... and now I love it! It gives colour since i always feel that foundation 'flatten' my face and makes me lose my 'natural' blush... We all want rosy cheeks and now I'm learning how to create them... at will! :D

Loveeeeee my makeup!!! *reapplies makeup...* (jk) :D


Sahan said...

I have no idea about half of what you said.

Unknown said...

since sahan is venturing into all kinds of new things lately maybe we can add makeup to that list ;)

Sahan said...

Crossdressing would definitely be a new adventure for me.