Thursday, March 24, 2011

Time for change

Every so often, people need time for themselves. I had one of those rare occasions yesterday evening. After getting home and changing out of my office attire, I went to shovel the snow in the driveway alone. I had a lot of time to think about things, and I'm not quite sure if it was because the cold made me more alert or if the action of the snow shovelling cause the increase of blood flow to my brain... in any case my thoughts were crystal clear. I was thinking about certain aspects of my life when I reached an "epiphany"!! (LoLs to the word in the UCLA girl vid!) I know the saying that "Good things will come to those who wait" unfortunately, I'm not a patient person so I let my impulses dictate my actions and everything I say (rarely thought through or filtered). Because of this, I realize that I cause many of the problems in my relationships and friendships. I feel responsible for everything that has gone awry. I am the reason for the failure of all my relationships with men, failure to keep close friends, in general failure to have any girl friends. I feel that my lonely existence is my fault and with all this realization, I am looking forward to change. But I will be doing it my way and at my own pace I just hope people will let me be and extend their patience.

I'm thinking maybe I need to go to a different place and start off fresh, however if I do that, will the relationships I have last?


crystaL said...

I think with all relationships, it's all about the efforts from both sides. Like all things in life, it's a two-way street. I've noticed that the relationships that are "Give and take" but without any expectations are the ones that last long~

Sometimes a little effort goes a long way ;)

Smile Mich!

PS. drinks soon?

AND join tumblr! I think you'd like it!

Unknown said...

hey girlie don't be blaming yourself for EVERYTHING more than half the time it's the men's fault :P