Monday, January 17, 2005

Spring Rolls

Monday is workout day~ And today I had two people accompanying me! Kay ( my love, my darling) and Eric... hehe... After workout, I ate lunch with Kay while Eric checked out the girls in the cafe... When Kay was done she left for class... leaving me with the gum yu dude... haha... we ate lunch again at Spring Rolls... I also took some pics ^^

The following is a picture of my green tea (isn't that such a cute cup? its like a triangular shape with round edges)... the specialty platter thingy at Spring Rolls (it has my favourite 'sexy summer salad roll' in it.. *drools) , the "mini-me" shrimp rolls (tiny, but very yummy) and then there is Eric... no he isn't some food... no i didn't take a bite out of him... (i mean we just finished working out... and he's all sweaty and stuf... ewww... ahha maybe next time )

Me and Eric also walked around Eaton Centre today... It's fun.. It's new... It's the first time I hung out with Eric since I've meet him... quite interesting... =) he's tall... a wonderful candide as a wall for such windy day~ jk jk =) Thanks Eric for keeping me warm today... ^^

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