Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Last year's paycheck... where did it go?

Yesterday we talked about how I need to save money so that I can eventually afford a house. Here's a thought: I've been working full-time for a year now and I don't actually have much savings... that's pretty... bad... ( being Chinese and all) So where did the money go!?

- 1st off, my OSAP loan...
- 2 netbooks (1 for me and 1 for grandpa)
- 3 cell phones (1 of which is just paperweight and the other was for my brother)
- parts for my desktop + monitor
- snowboarding gears
- rollerblades
- 2 pair of glasses + contacts
- I've also taken 2 trips to Montreal + 2 trips to Buffalo...
- new rims and tires for my Corolla!!

OMG... everything but the OSAP are frivolous expenses...

I guess now that I have a goal (condo!!!!) I finally have something to save for.... but DAMN... all that money wasted...


Unknown said...

Maybe it's time to sell off the extras (like the cellphone paperweight)

Don't call it money wasted - it's money well-spent as long as it fulfilled a need. As long as you're not living beyond your means and you have a saving plan, it's gonna be OK :)

Ruth said...

Not a waste at all. You are enjoying life and everything it has too offer :)

ellaH said...

Thanks girls :) I really appreciate this.

Sahan said...

What you need is a get-rich-quick scheme. Figure out a way to get as much money, doing as little work as you can.

Lucky for me, I'm in contact with this Nigerian gentleman who's going through some financial difficulties with his government. See, you gotta start thinking like me.