Thursday, October 28, 2004

Day @ St George...

Today was interesting and fun. My ride, unlike the ones I usually get, was a "white" utm bus to downtown, it got there fast and had comfy enough chair to sit on, but most importantly, it was FREE to all utm students... Guys, profit from these benefits. The trip to dt only took 30 mins in the morning, and roughly 30 mins back.

an interesting thing that I noticed is that since we (university students) are older, we are also "bigger", because the morning ride, each person had their own seat... I guess there is a "big" contrast between university and elementary... we just can't squeeze two people in one seat~ T_T

**BTW: since I love symmetry so much I decided to take a pictures of the seats... haha...

Did I say that the landscape was beautiful in UtM? Its soo pretty at St George too. A nice and quiet place without all those noisy people... this is where I was taught to waltz in circles (hehe)... I can do the box and the 90 degree turns... Soon I'd be a pro! aha! =) I wonder if I'd ever use it tho~ but it is always better to know just in case... =)

The picture on the bottom is rather interesting... each face has a different expression... beautiful eh?

This is a picture I stole of Tony('s back)~ =) we were eating our chicken souvlaki... it was cheap and yummy and we are going again next Thursday!

Today had been a day full of walking, swimming, and looking at liver nodule (yuck!!!) I also learned a few new things, exercised, and had my laughs... what more can I ask for? Thanks Tony, and sorry for steping on your feet so many time... I'm a kultz~ haha... oh, also, I teach you how to sink some more, next time don't laugh!

Hmm... I want to commit to a fixed exercising schedule... any of you think I can do it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey miche, it's ur best friend! =) aw, i feel like the only way i learn about wut ur doing everyday now is like thru ur blog! sad...haven't seen u since last thurs...and it was only for like half an hour...and next thurs, ur not gonna pui me...wahh...=( we should arrange a 'hangout' soon!!! ttyl hopefully, Kay =)